christian counseling today
Vol. 20 no. 4
esus was passionate about care for the harassed, helpless, hungry, and hurting (Matthew
9:36; 14:14; 15:32; 21:14). Recall this earnest instruction to His disciples: “The harvest
is plentiful but the ‘care group leaders’ are few. Ask the Lord of the
harvest, therefore, to send out ‘care group leaders’ into his harvest
field” (Matthew 9:37-38). Granted, “worker” or “doer” does reflect the literal meaning of
the pivotal term. Yet, meditate on those passages in the midst of the Gospel story and
absorb our Lord’s affections. Leaders who actively intercede, feed and heal will mirror Jesus’ deep compassion.
Shepherds with hearts for God will love others with clarity, compassion, consistency and wisdom. Such leaders
realize what it takes to stay true to one’s own trek toward wholeness. From personal familiarity with God’s grace,
they proceed to bring others into a spiritual formation expedition. Let’s ponder what it takes to be the distinctive
care group leader that the Lord of the harvest will be pleased to send out.
Stephen P. Greggo
trekking toward
Care Group Leadership
and Spiritual Formation