christian counseling today
Vol. 21 no. 2
Crossing the Threshold: When Suicide Hits
the Family of God
by Frank S. Page
. The sense of grief
and loss following suicide can be overwhelming for survivors.
In sharing his personal journey from tragedy to triumph, Frank
Page discusses the Do’s and Don’ts of ministering to family
members, friends, and loved ones. The ministry of presence is
encouraged, as well as understanding the power and comfort
that come with it.
Rethinking Mental Healthcare: How the
Church Can Transform a Broken System
by Matthew S. Stanford
. Healthcare, with its numerous
complexities, is often in the forefront of today’s headlines.
Even though medical issues typically receive greater attention,
mental illness is still a significant factor across societal
demographics, including faith communities. Matthew Stanford
explores how the Church can be more actively involved in the
overall mental health system.
To Believe or Not to Believe: The Role
of Faith in Treating Mental Illness and
Preventing Suicid
by Harold G. Koenig
. Longtime
researcher at Duke University, Harold Koenig, makes the case
for faith and its profound positive influence on the treatment
of mental health disorders. After studying and analyzing
hundreds of empirically validated approaches, there is growing
evidence showing support for faith-based interventions and