Grief, Crisis, & Disaster Vol. 2, Iss. 3 - page 3

In the U.S. alone, more than 34,000
people complete suicide every year. This
is often considered a very conserva-
tive number, not taking into account
the tens of thousands of questionable
deaths, such as reckless driving while
intoxicated and intentional or accidental
overdose of prescribed pain medication.
Suicide continues to be among the most
stigmatized topics of all human experi-
ences, surrounded by fear, shame, mis-
understanding, and myth. Myths such
If we talk about suicide, it’s more likely
to occur
, when the truth is just the oppo-
site. Or,
it will never happen in my circle
of friends, family, and co-workers.
is, given the staggering statistics of how
many people seriously contemplate, plan
for, and attempt suicide, chances are
most of us may know someone who is at
serious risk right now.
Suicide Postvention is
Suicide Prevention
Judy Beahan, LMSW
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