christian counseling today
VOL. 22 NO. 1
and behaviors consume you?
Do you frequently swallow
painful emotions? When you
are leading on the battlefront,
these are the heavy artillery the
enemy of your soul launches
in your direction. These
missile strikes are designed not
only to immobilize you, but
also take you out. Like any
cowardly predator, the enemy
is slyly sneaking and slinking
around looking for vulnerable,
wounded, frail, stressed, burned
out, sickly, damaged members
of God’s flock to launch a
surprise attack on and chew up
(I Corinthians 10:12).
Finally, the devil is not
content to merely distract, deter,
discourage, defeat, and devour.
John 10:10 gives an insightful
job description of his motive,
methods, and mission—he
comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
Please understand this clearly:
his devilish, diabolic design
is to totally and completely
annihilate you. He is ruthless,
relentless, and reprehensible.
Jesus defined him as a liar and
murderer; that is who, what,
and how he is (John 8:44).
So do not let yourself feel helpless, over-
whelmed, and victimized. Put on the
full armor (Ephesians 6:10-18), assume
your position, take your stand in the
battle, and wage war against what is
destroying you. Instead of succumbing
to the evil one and becoming a casualty,
choose each day to live out the prin-
ciples of life Jesus has fought so hard
for on our behalf! We are overcomers
(Revelation 12:10-11)!
Designed to prepare counselors
to serve as clinicians, educators,
administrators, researchers,
supervisors, and consultants,
Liberty’s doctoral program offers
two concentrations — Advanced Clinical
Skills and Counselor Education and Supervision.
Both concentrations are available in an online format
that includes weeklong residential intensives.
• Opportunity for career flexibility
• Training in advanced clinical interventions
• Experience using evidence-based practices
• Improvement of clinical practice skills
The program provides:
For more information,
www.Liberty.edu/Counseling*Adapted from
Be Strong and Surrender: A 30 Day
Recovery Guide
(2016) by Phil Dvorak, Paul Meier, and
Jared Pingleton
serves as Vice
President of Professional
Development for the
American Association of
Christian Counselors. As a
clinical psychologist and credentialed minister,
Jared is dually trained in both psychology and
theology and specializes in the theoretical
and clinical integration of the two disciplines.
In professional practice since 1977, Jared is
the author or coauthor of six books, including
Making Magnificent Marriages
, and numerous
journal articles. He has served on the staff of
two large churches, founded and directed two
Christian counseling centers, and taught at
several Christian colleges and seminaries.