Answer the following questions from this issue of Christian Counseling Today by marking the appropriate circle. Once completed, you may
send in this entire page or a photocopy with your payment to the address below. Please do not send cash. The quiz is open-book and you will
need a minimum score of 70% to receive a letter of completion.
Modern-day Sexual Craze and Chaos: The Facts – Jim Cress
1. Sixty-four percent of men and 15% of women who say they
are Christians
a. view pornography at least once a month
b. use pornography several times per week
c. are involved in “sexting”
d. have emotional affairs on social media
Porn and Parenting in the 21st Century – Sean McDowell
2. Kids who view porn excessively
a. become wired to respond sexually to an image
b. damage their ability to respond appropriately to a real person
c. develop damaging neurological “pathways” in the brain
d. all of the above
Pornography and the Brain: What Does the… – Linda Mintle
3. Viewing porn releases the hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin,
a. causing decreased brain activity
b. arousing brain centers to facilitate reward seeking
c. causing the person to bond to the pornographic experience
d. relieving tension and lowering blood pressure
Protecting the Next Generation: Fighting the Porn…
– Joel Hesch
4. Hesch believes the best legislative approach to limit porn is to
a. call for a total ban on all pornography
b. restrict access to porn by minors based on science
c. argue in court on ethical and moral grounds
d. have local churches petition legislators for change
Recovery from Pornography Addiction: An Opportunity…
– Mark and Debbie Laaser
5. In marital healing, the sobriety acronym LAMP stands for
a. no Lying, Adultery, Masturbation, or Pornography
b. no Looking at, Approaching, or Meditating about People
c. Leave family, Avoid temptation, Marry, and Procreate
d. none of the above
Becoming an Uber Monk – Gary W. Moon
6. The most common request by Calvin’s passengers was
a. to prove to them the existence of God
b. to explain why God allows tragedy
c. for intercessory prayer
d. for a discounted rate
Sex as Icon or Idol? How a Biblical… – Christopher West
7. In the Garden of Eden, the entrance of shame
a. indicated the dawn of lust
b. brought erotic desire cut off from God’s love
c. drove people to cover their bodies to protect from lust
d. all of the above
Texting, Sexting, and Webcams… – Greg Miller
8. Those who expose themselves on Webcams are driven by
a. the desire to be known and seen
b. the current standards of the prevailing culture
c. the peer pressure to please others
d. contempt for biblical standards and loss of shame
When Puberty and Pornography Collide – Meg Meeker
9. Teens and young adults comprise 30% of the population, but
a. consume 90% of all online pornography
b. live with over 50% of the new infections of STDs
c. are 85% more likely to use sexting than others
d. are twice as likely to be depressed after seeing porn
Women and Pornography Today: It’s Way Past…
– Marnie Ferree
10. The cybersex landscape has become…
a. decidedly violent
b. insignificant as a shaper of sexuality for women
c. more love/relationship oriented for women
d. increasingly focused on liberating women
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1. Increase awareness and content expertise on current trends in mental health practice.
2. Be able to articulate a more comprehensive understanding of this issue’s core theme.
3. Be able to integrate spirituality and faith-based constructs into the delivery of care.
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