Answer the following questions from this issue of Christian Counseling Today by marking the appropriate circle. Once completed, you may
send in this entire page or a photocopy with your payment to the address below. Please do not send cash. The quiz is open-book and you will
need a minimum score of 70% to receive a letter of completion.
A Healing Community: The Vital Component…
– Jim Cress and Marnie Ferree
1. The foundational truth is that sexual addiction is
a. all about pleasure
b. a need for control
c. an intimacy disorder
d. driven by anxiety
Care Group Leadership and Spiritual Formation…
– Stephen P. Greggo
2. Hurts are healed not by speaking them aloud, but by inviting…
a. constructive input from church leadership
b. others to sit with us in that experience
c. others to relate their experiences
d. others to objectively point out our sin
Celebrate Recovery: Equipping the Local Church…
– David O’Brien
3. Celebrate Recovery was highlighted in the movie
a. Fireproof
b. Joshua
c. Home Run
d. Second Hand Lions
Expanding Your Practice: Starting and Running Effective…
– Paul H. VanValin
4. In outpatient process group therapy
a. people share information and receive feedback
b. people share problems and get help to make changes
c. research validated techniques are employed
d. none of the above
The Healing Power of Relationships – Tim Clinton
5. Psychologists found that only 15% of therapy outcome is due to
a. family history and background
b. personality type
c. specific techniques and interventions
d. therapist/client relationship
Healing the Soul in Community
– Sue Kim-Ahn and Monte Fisher
6. Which of the following is
a compulsory guideline for the DR
a. maintain confidentiality and anonymity
b. practice good listening
c. work at problem solving
d. make sure everyone has time to talk
Life Crisis Ministry: The Intersection of Counseling and…
– Steve Grissom
7. Facilitators for DivorceCare, GriefShare, and Single & Parenting
a. are not in a counseling role
b. are trained in facilitation
c. are encouraged to maintain a counselor referral list
d. all of the above
Overcoming Resistance to Recovery Programs
– Steve Arterburn and David Stoop
8. Which is
true regarding the 12-step program
a. three Bible passages were important in its development
b. the concept rose out of a Bible study group
c. the 12 steps can be seen as a sanctification path
d. healing the addiction also heals character defects
Recovery Groups and Christian Formation – Gary W. Moon
9. The VIM model of transformation is
a. vision, intention, means
b. vision, integration, means
c. vitality, intention, method
d. vision, integration, method
Using Small Groups as a Christian Model for Healing
– Jennifer Cisney Ellers
10. Small groups end up ineffective or destructive when
a. there is no skilled leadership
b. there is no screening of group members
c. members attend without a true desire to heal
d. all of the above
Small Groups and Recovery
chr istian counsel ing today, vol . 20, no. 4
counsel quiz
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Learning Objectives
Participants will:
1. Increase awareness and content expertise on current trends in mental health practice.
2. Be able to articulate a more comprehensive understanding of this issue’s core theme.
3. Be able to integrate spirituality and faith-based constructs into the delivery of care.
Participant Evaluation
Please rate the following on a scale of 1–5 (1 meaning
and 5 meaning
1. _______ This issue of CCT is relevant to my practice as a mental health professional.
2. _______ The articles in this issue are comprehensive and well written.
3. _______ I would recommend this home-study program to other professionals.
The AACC is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to offer continuing education
for psychologists, is a National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) Approved Continuing Education
Provider (ACEP
), and meets the qualifications for continuing education credit for MFTs and LCSWs
as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (#3552). The AACC adheres to all APA and
NBCC continuing education guidelines and maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Each
individual should be aware of his/her state’s licensure/CE requirements. This Counsel Quiz also meets the
ongoing CE requirements for counselors, life coaches, and crisis responders who are credentialed through
the International Board of Christian Care (IBCC). Please allow 3-6 weeks for processing.