christian counseling today
Vol. 20 no. 4
transference, addictions, significant
mental health problems, etc.).
Electronic Communications
as a Ministry Tool
The Barna Group recently reported that
in a recent study “more than two-thirds
of pastors (65%) say they think social
media will be a significant part of their
ministry over the next two years….”
Church leaders should consider adopt-
ing an “Electronic Communications
Policy” that, in part, provides guidelines
regarding social media use by spiritual
care small group attendees and other
church ministries. For instance, guide-
lines for posting content on Web sites
owned or controlled by the church
could: (1) prohibit either the disclosure
of personal information or the post-
ing of pictures of small group attendees
without written authorization from
a church leader and the individual(s)
at issue, and/or their parents if the
individuals are minors; (2) require that
Christian moral standards be upheld in
electronically transmitted content; (3)
prohibit the posting of logos or other
creative works that are subject to copy-
right or trademark protection without
appropriate legal authorization; and (4)
make clear that information posted on
a social media site is not confidential.
Church leaders are encouraged to evalu-
ate with their attorney the legal and
ethical issues relevant to potential small
group facilitator use of electronic com-
munications in ministry activities (e.g.,
texting and social media). The church’s
attorney can help church leaders develop
overall risk management guidelines for
an Electronic Communications Policy
that is relevant to their specific ministry
Protecting Your Ministry from
Discrimination Claims
In light of developing law in various
jurisdictions relating to same-sex mar-
riage and discrimination based on sexual
orientation and gender identity, it is rec-
ommended that church leaders review,
with their attorney, the law relevant to
their organization and its various activi-
ties and programs. They should consider
the prudence of developing by-law
provisions and administrative policies
that articulate the church’s theological
positions regarding marriage and human
In addition to the above issues,
church leaders should talk with their
insurance agent to be assured that the
church has adequate liability insurance
for small group spiritual care ministry
(e.g., (1) small group liability coverage;
(2) counseling acts liability coverage
(if counseling is applicable to small
group activities); (3) discriminatory acts
liability coverage; and (4) directors and
officers liability coverage).
The information is current as of the date that it is written.
This article is provided solely for general educational
purposes and does not constitute legal advice between an
attorney and a client. The law varies in different jurisdic-
tions. Consultation with an attorney is recommended if you
desire legal advice.
John Sandy, J.D.,
M.A.B.C., M.S.J.,
is a
licensed attorney in California
and Illinois. He maintains
a private legal practice in
Riverside, California, where
he concentrates in church law, business law
and legal issues relevant to professional and
pastoral counseling. John is also an ordained
minister, board certified Christian counselor, and
board certified pastoral counselor. As a ministry
partner of the California-based Inland Empire
Southern Baptist Association, John provides
pastoral counseling to individuals, couples and
families, spiritual care to ministry leaders and their
families, as well as workshops and consulting
for churches on pastoral counseling and ministry
administrative issues.
The Barna Group. (2013, June 12).
“The Risk of the @Pastor.” Retrieved on
December 22, 2013 at
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