Answer the following questions from this issue of Christian Counseling Today by marking the appropriate circle. Once completed, you may
send in this entire page or a photocopy with your payment to the address below. Please do not send cash. The quiz is open-book and you will
need a minimum score of 70% to receive a letter of completion.
Crossing the Threshold: When Suicide Hits the Family of
God – Frank S. Page
1. 1. Pastor Page advises that psychotropic medication
a. is mandatory when someone is experiencing suicidal ideation
b. should never be used by Christians
c. may exaggerate suicidal symptoms
d. should not be used for children or teens
On Belay: The Role of the Church in Lay Helping Ministry
– Siang-Yang Tan and Eric Scalise
2. Which of the following is
listed as a goal for lay counseling ministry
a. gathering (fellowship)
b. going (evangelism)
c. growing (teaching)
d. gifting (identifying calling)
On Mission: What Makes Counseling Christian? – Ian F. Jones
3. In contrast to the naturalistic worldview, a biblical worldview
a. implies the objective existence of the Trinitarian God
b. says that God’s Word, wisdom, and law govern our existence
c. believes we engage in a mission greater than ourselves
d. all of the above
Rethinking Mental Healthcare: How the Church Can…
– Matthew S. Stanford
4. Which of the following is
listed by Stanford as a role of the
a. to replace professional mental healthcare
b. to be an effective gatekeeper for mental healthcare
c. to provide peer led mental health services and support
d. to see mental health problems as a great mission field
STOP: Suicide Prevention and Intervention
– Jennifer Cisney Ellers and Kevin Ellers
5. Which of the following is not a component of the “desire to die”
a. an untreatable disease
b. a lack of connectedness
c. a perceived burdensomeness to others
d. the ability to enact lethal self-injury
The Church and Mental Health:
What Do the Numbers Tell Us? – Ed Stetzer
6. Those with mental illness say the Church can assist by
a. helping families find local resources
b. talking about mental illness openly
c. providing training for the Church to understand
d. all of the above
The Church and Mental Illness: We Are Called to Care
– Amy Simpson
7. Which of the following should not be the Church’s response
a. teach about suffering
b. get educated about mental illness
c. offer referrals and meet practical needs
d. propose purely spiritual solutions
Can the Church have a Compassionate View of Suicide?
– H.B.
London, Jr.
8. London says the Church must establish
a. comprehensive mental health facilities
b. a safe place for weary life travelers
c. schools of spiritual deliverance
d. all of the above
To Believe or Not to Believe: The Role of Faith in…
– Harold G. Koenig
9. Dr. Koenig reports that his beliefs were recently challenged about
a. the veracity of other religions in the world
b. faith and the yearnings to die in protracted illness
c. the existence of suffering and God’s mercy
d. suicide in the lives of young people
Too Young to Die: Adolescent Depression,
Suicide and the Church – Chap Clark
10. The author says the default motivator in leading our young is
a. peer pressure
b. performance
c. shame
d. competition
The Church, Mental Health & Suicide
chr istian counsel ing today
counsel quiz
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Learning Objectives
Participants will:
1. Increase awareness and content expertise on current trends in mental health practice.
2. Be able to articulate a more comprehensive understanding of this issue’s core theme.
3. Be able to integrate spirituality and faith-based constructs into the delivery of care.
Participant Evaluation
Please rate the following on a scale of 1–5 (1 meaning
and 5 meaning
1. _______ This issue of CCT is relevant to my practice as a mental health professional.
2. _______ The articles in this issue are comprehensive and well written.
3. _______ I would recommend this home-study program to other professionals.
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