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christian counseling today

VOL. 22 NO. 1


t is no secret in today’s media and

technology-driven world that sex is

used to sell almost




. What God created and

designed to help illustrate that which

He considers beautiful and holy, Satan

has denigrated, demeaned, and used in

destructive ways. As we see the world

around us sink deeper into moral decay,

the boundaries of decency and restraint

are falling apart all around us.

Most of the statistics are very

sobering, even alarming… and in

many cases can feel overwhelming. For

example: there are currently more than

300 million pornographic Web pages

on the Internet, with an estimated six

to eight percent of the United States

population that could be diagnosed

with some level of sexual addiction;

there are an estimated 15 million new

cases of a sexually transmitted disease

(chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis,

HIV/AIDS, etc.) contracted every

year, which translates to about one

case every two seconds; of the top 11

reportable diseases in the U.S., five

are STDs; reports of childhood sexual

abuse have increased from 6,000 in

1976 to well over half a million today,

and most specialists agree that the

problem is far greater than the cases

reported; over 60 million children

have experienced some form of sexual

abuse before they graduated from

high school (approximately one out

of every three to four girls and one

out of every six to seven boys), while

the risk of developing substance abuse

problems in this demographic is nearly

400% greater; approximately one-third

of all marriages have experienced

an extramarital affair; the sexual

exploitation and trafficking of minors

has reached epidemic levels in our

country, with anywhere from 300,000

to half-a-million children at risk.

Sexual addiction is often defined

in terms of “false intimacy” and

magnified when individuals try

to meet a legitimate human need

(i.e., connection and meaningful

relationship) in an illegitimate way.

There are several factors that all

addictions have in common—they

provide a form of escape; they serve the

purpose of removing a person from his/

her true feelings; they always involve

pleasure; they override the ability and/

or willingness to delay self-gratification;

they involve psychological dependence

and obsessive-compulsive behaviors;

they lead to a system of denial and/

or minimization; they totally control

the addict and that control transcends

all logic or reason; they are destructive

and unhealthy in the long run; and

ultimately, they take priority over all of

life’s other issues.

Some believe the sanctity of human

life and the institution of marriage also

involve the sanctity of our sexuality.

Let’s take a closer look at the biblical

narrative. Sexuality was God’s idea.

We see in the creation story that “God

created man in His own image, in the

image of God He created him; male

Pure and Undefiled: Sexuality and Holiness

from the e-team