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christian counseling today

Vol. 21 no. 2

He had a deep passion for God, but would then

spiral down into these seasons of a diagnosed

bipolar disorder. The struggle was so intense he

would end up disconnected emotionally and

mentally, unable to function in day-to-day living.

Even after crying out to the Lord and reading the

Psalms, he would say, “God help me in the midst

of this!” Neither of us knew how to respond to

his condition.

As a 25-year-old, I had heard mental illness

was just something people needed to pray

about, which we did. Never had I seen a man

pray harder to be set free from such tormenting

cycles than this man, but he was not delivered.

In the end, he took his own life. His family was

left confused, in pain, and deeply grieving. As

a pastor, though certainly not dealing with the

same level of grief or pain they were, I came to

grips with the reality that I was unprepared to

effectively address mental health issues within my


A New Awareness

Thankfully, many Christians and clergy members

are now taking mental illness much more seri-

ously. Numerous ministries and church leaders

are working to equip pastors and congregations

to handle emotional and psychological distress.

One way we can be prepared is to better under-

stand these realities that surely exist among our

churches across the country.

LifeWay Research,


where I serve as Executive

Director, conducted a survey in partnership with

Focus on the Family


and an anonymous donor

to gauge the perceptions of pastors, churches and

those suffering from mental illness on a wide

range of related topics. The following is a brief

synopsis of what we uncovered:

Pastors’ Views on Mental Illness and the


When we surveyed Protestant pastors,

the first thing we discovered is that they do,

in fact, have experience with mental illnesses.

Approximately three out of four pastors said

they knew at least one family member, friend or

congregant who had been diagnosed with bipolar

disorder. Close to the same number (74%) said

they knew someone diagnosed with clinical

depression. More than half (57%) said they knew

at least three people who fell into that category. In

terms of counseling, almost six in 10 (59%) said

they had counseled at least one person who was

eventually diagnosed with an acute mental illness.

Perhaps even more important, 23% of pastors indicated they had battled

a mental illness of some kind on a personal level, including 12% who said

it was formally diagnosed. These findings are confirmed by the National

Alliance on Mental Illness and similar numbers within the general popula-

tion. Because of that, I am thankful for many leaders who have recently

come forward and are more willing to be transparent about their own

struggles. Last year, Phil Ryken used his presidential speech at the convoca-

tion ceremony of Wheaton College to share his battle with depression. Mark

Dance, Associate Vice President of Pastoral Leadership at LifeWay, shared

how he almost walked away from the ministry due to clinical depression, but

was helped through the process by his doctor and a therapist.

The vast majority of pastors today, unlike myself in the early days

of ministry, recognize the issue as being more complicated than simply

praying away the mental illness. Only 1% said medication should never be

considered as a treatment option or only be viewed as a last resort, and that

psychological therapy should never be used. More than seven in 10 (71%)

said it should be used in conjunction with spiritual principles.

Pastors indicated they wanted to help and believed the Church should

be a resource. Almost three quarters (74%) disagreed with the notion they